Caitlin Revane Caitlin Revane


Vivienne is no doubt one of Camilla's biggest cheerleaders! Even though she is the younger sibling Vivi has been such a motivator for Millie...I wanted to share a bit about their relationship but show a little more about who Vivienne is as well.

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Camilla’s Birth Story
Caitlin Revane Caitlin Revane

Camilla’s Birth Story

I don’t think any scenarios in our Labor and Delivery classes could have prepared us for how our first born decided to make her debut.

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Are They Twins?
Caitlin Revane Caitlin Revane

Are They Twins?

It never ceases to amaze me what some people will say or ask a complete stranger. We’ve had all sorts of encounters with strangers asking questions or making comments about the girls…from super nice and kind to horrible and almost unbelievable. I share some of the more humorous ones to hopefully give you a good little laugh.

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A Heavy Question…Do You Want To Be a SAHM?
Caitlin Revane Caitlin Revane

A Heavy Question…Do You Want To Be a SAHM?

When the idea of quitting my job to stay at home went from a joke to a serious option my brain went in a million directions. ALL the questions ran through my head for months and I had many great conversations with others and internally. But at the end of the day it was ultimately my decision and a very hard one at that which I know might sound crazy.

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Caitlin Revane Caitlin Revane


Inchstones is a term typically used for those with developmental delays or disabilities. In this article I talk through it’s meaning in that realm but also take my own personal view to it. I think it is a fabulous term that we can all start using in our lives no matter who we are or what we are going through!

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Solving The Weight Gain Mystery
Caitlin Revane Caitlin Revane

Solving The Weight Gain Mystery

Millie loves to eat, but we’ve been trying to solve the mystery of why she can’t keep the weight on almost since day one. Read more about different procedures, medicines and possible diagnoses.

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Millie’s Medical Team
Caitlin Revane Caitlin Revane

Millie’s Medical Team

“Unfortunately we don’t have an answer but we think you should see this other specialist”. A phrase that at one time was all too common for us to hear while trying to find answers to different things going on with Camilla.

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An Eventful Pregnancy
Caitlin Revane Caitlin Revane

An Eventful Pregnancy

Did you have a pregnancy that had you asking “Is there really such a thing as a textbook pregnancy?!” Don’t feel alone if your pregnancy is/was not completely smooth sailing.

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Our Journey To Start A Family: TTC & IVF
Caitlin Revane Caitlin Revane

Our Journey To Start A Family: TTC & IVF

“Every pregnancy is different”, a line women hear a million times when they are trying to conceive or pregnant. We didn’t know how true this would ring with both of my pregnancies.

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